
24 January 2022

By Sabine Birkner

GPOH ZDM gGmbH Hannover, a happy Marvin User since 2009

I had the pleasure to conduct a short Q&A with Dr. Thomas Grieskamp, the CEO of GPOH ZDM gGMbH in Hannover.

We talked about the vision of the GPOH and how our software can support the research of tumors in children and adolescents.

The Society for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology (GPOH) is the scientific society for pediatric oncology and hematology in Germany. The physicians, scientists, psychologists and nurses work together for the research, diagnosis, treatment and aftercare of malignant diseases and blood disorders in children and adolescents in order to increase the chances of cure and to improve care with targeted aftercare programs. For the GPOH, a consistent, effective and transparent collaboration of all parties involved is paramount in order to effectively exploit synergies. The study groups of the GPOH as well as the various working groups and task forces work with the aim of making the latest scientific findings available to both patients and professionals.

1. How long have you been using “Marvin”, our Software Solution?

Since 2009 (our first contact with your founder Dr. Philippe Verplancke was in April 2008).

2. Why did you choose us as your partner?

After a selection process with different EDC vendors, „Marvin“ was the best fit for our requirements.

3. How did you hear about Marvin/XClinical?

About the telematics platform.

4. Which alternatives to our software or software for data analysis/statistics do you still work with?

SAS, Office, Google Docs

5. How many studies are currently using “Marvin“?

We have 44 productive (running) studies and registries

6. As per my knowledge GPOH has large multi-trial instances with many instances/studies. It would be super interesting to know more about how you organize here.

Patients are enrolled through a registry instance and then transferred to each of the trials and registries. Patients (children) are often included in multiple studies and registries in a row at our institution.

7. Do you have one instance to register patients and then do patient transfers into the actual studies?


8. Which feature/module is most important/valuable to you?

Patients/Centers/User/Reports. The combination of different modules is important and necessary for us.

XClinical developed own features just for us. This option is essential for us. The Multi Trial Tool, for example, is the basis for our work now.“

Dr. Thomas Griesmap, CEO GPOH ZDM gGmbH

9. Which feature/module would you still like to see developed and why?

eCOA is very interesting for us, but in the future it should also run as an app and allow us to edit it.

10. What friction points have you encountered when using “Marvin”?

Performance in broad studies with large amounts of data.

11. Would you describe “Marvin” as a particularly secure, stable system?

From our experience, yes.

12. Would you recommend our software to others?


13. How satisfied are you with our Customer Success Service Team?

Some requests have taken a long time in the past, but on the whole we rate the team very positively.

14. What is unique, special about the GPOH ZDM?

Cancer in young people before the age of 18 are rare in Europe. They account for only one percent of all diseases in childhood and adolescence. For this reason, pediatric oncologists in Germany joined forces as early as the 1970s to conduct multicenter clinical trials with the goal of systematically collecting reliable treatment results from the largest possible groups of patients with the same cancer. On this basis, diagnostics and therapy concepts are optimized in subsequent studies and a joint data collection system is established.

Thank you for this interview Dr. Grieskamp

XClinical Marvin EDC is CDISC-ODM certified since 2007 and complies with relevant regulatory requirements of FDA and EMA, 21 CFR Part 11 and ICH-GCP.

Contact us for more information on Marvin, our eClinical End-to-End Solution.

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Hello, I'm Sabine Birkner

Marketing Manager


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